RD101/M Provincial Mahogany Lectern...Detailed upright panel using French provincial corner arcs and cloverleaf molding. Turned posts with eight vertical flutes. Free standing, features light, card pockets and showing the optional grooved felt name board. Standard name board is the "Slide-in-System". Casters may be added for ease of moving.
49 in. tall x 23 1/2 in. wide x 18 in. deep.
RD104/M Provincial Mahogany Prayer Rail...Detailed upright panel using French provincial corner arcs and cloverleaf molding. Turned posts with eight vertical flutes. Base has three decorative flutes. Comfortable upholstered arm and knee pads. Cross may be omitted if desired.
44 in. long x 18 in. deep x 28 1/2 in. tall
RD106/M Provincial Mahogany Memorial Holder*...Drop slot in top for memorials, card pockets on each side for envelopes, clear front viewing window on front. Rear door with keyed lock. Two turned posts with eight vertical flutes. Oblong base. Patent #D326947
38 in. tall x 18 in. wide x 14 in. deep
RD107/M Provincial Mahogany Crucifix & Stand...Cross also available in Greek or Russian Orthodox. Adjusts to be above open casket lid. May be made as RD142 with plain Protestant cross attached to back side.
Cross is 32 in. tall x 22 in. wide
RD108/M Provincial Mahogany Candlesticks...Shown with ruby red vigil glass. Turned posts have eight vertical flutes. Round bases at the floor. Can be wired for electricity.
46 in. tall to the top of the wooden candle.
RD118/M Provincial Mahogany Mass Card Tray...Twin posts with eight vertical flutes. Oblong base. Cross on the backside which can be removed (or omitted if ordered without). Raised perimeter molding to keep mass cards from sliding off. Springs are available as an option.
36 in. tall x 21 1/2 in. wide x 18 1/2 in. deep
Lectern, Prayer Rail, Memorial Holder, Crucifix & Stand, Candlesticks and Mass Card Tray
RD101/M African Ribbon Mahogany Lectern RD104/M African Ribbon Mahogany Prayer Rail RD106/M African Ribbon Mahogany Memorial Holder* RD107/M African Ribbon Mahogany Crucifix & Stand RD108/M African Ribbon Mahogany Candlesticks RD118/M African Ribbon Mahogany Mass Card Tray